About Me

Much can be said in a name… Journey Untethered…

Shannon sees life as an unending journey with many twists and turns.  

It was the experience of twenty plus years of working long hours, emotional and physical stress, childhood and adult trauma and enduring the loss of her son that sent her on a journey that included pursuit of new tools to bring balance in her life.

Those tools began to be developed on her yoga mat prior to losing her mom and her son.  She credits her yoga mat as being her saving grace during unimaginable pain.  Her amazing instructors held space for her, such a profound thing, that allowed the world of possibilities to show themselves.  A world that she’d never considered possible.

Her journey of becoming untethered is full of lessons that included joy, celebration and hardship.  In yoga she learned that yoga is not a destination, it is a journey.

It provides endless opportunities and the more she was open to the possibilities the more they presented themselves to her.  For Shannon becoming untethered is not about being ungrounded or floating without goals and desires.  Quite the opposite, it’s instead about the freedom of absolute wellbeing, embracing the pain so it could be released and struggle could shift to stillness.  She recognizes change is an endless part of life and with that sometimes comes fear, in her journey to be untethered she is constantly aware of her desire to release control in exchange for the freedom that comes in being more of an observer in life and a joyous participant.

Shannon’s experience as a business executive prepared her for her search of balance and introspection.

~Shannon began her pursuit of the healing arts by becoming a Yoga instructor through her training with Awakened Life School of Yoga which further spurred her interest in holistic health.  Additionally she received certification from Rainbow Kids Yoga for Yoga for Kids and Families Teacher Training.

~Shannon then discovered further amazing tools in the art of Touch for Health Kinesiology.  Opening up for her the wonders of energy healing.  She received her Touch for Health Instructor Certification from Matthew Thie and completed her Touch for Health Proficiency with Sara McRae.

~Shannon journeyed to Yandara and completed her Reiki Master Certification with Allison Eaton.  The time spent in Yandara with beautiful souls interested in healing themselves and others further proves our energetic interconnectedness and need for each other.