Sound and Frequency
When we listen to music with its rich and intricate collection of sound waves and harmonies it has the potential to interact with our body at a fundamental level impacting our health and wellbeing.
The vibrations created by various instruments are used with specific intentions and work with the body as a therapeutic tool to promote wellness and restore balance within our bodies.
While you can choose to receive a Sound Bath specifically or a Tuning Fork Session, I also utilize sound in other sessions including Reiki, Energy Reset and Balancing, and in Touch for Health.
Sound Bath
Each sound bath journey is unique, some call it vibrational medicine. The senses of the body are saturated with sound and the energetic vibrations from the instruments being used. Sound is a powerful tool and can have transformation effects on the body, mind and spirit. Each instrument creates a magical experience, each with its own range of frequencies.
The range of frequencies created can assist in movement of blocked and stuck energy in the body and in the energetic field that surrounds the body. During a session you might feel a variety of emotions and have memories that come up. It is an invitation to move into a deeper state of consciousness.
It is a great way to simply relax and receive, no work or interactions are needed. Be prepared to embark on a journey of relaxation, rejuvenation and renewal.
Instruments used during a sound bath may include crystal singing bowl, tuning forks, rattles, drums, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, chimes, rain sticks, hand pans, and more….
Some of the positive effects from a sound bath are:
Reduced Stress: The deep relaxation promotes reduced stress levels. You may find it easier to manage daily challenges.
~Improved Sleep: Many participants report better sleep quality after a sound bath.
~Enhanced Creativity and Increased Clarity: The meditative state created by the sound bath can boost your creativity and mental clarity allowing for new fresh ideas, problem solving and solutions.
~Heightened Awareness: Your senses may become more attuned, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of the world at a deeper level.
~Balanced Emotions: The vibrations of the instruments allows for releasing what no longer serves and and bringing about clarity. The level of relaxation that is experienced can leave us more emotionally balanced and resilient.
The instruments chosen for each sound bath are with intention. The instruments themselves are used in close proximity to the body to allow you to feel the full benefit of the vibrations emitted by each unique instrument.
Each sound bath experience will be very personal to you, based on your emotional state on that day, your previous traumas, and your lifetime of memories.
Tuning Fork Healing
Tuning forks can be used to tune the human nervous system. The nervous system itself can be tuned much like a musical instrument, allowing for the nervous system to adjust and match the sound or frequency of a tuning fork.
Clinical research, practice and experimentation with tuning forks has developed knowledge and insight into using tuning forks on and around the body. Given the body’s predominant water content, when an activated tuning fork is placed on the body, the sound begins to follow the body’s waterways or energetic pathways, the meridians, nadis, and chakra’s. Our energy expands beyond the body itself and using the tuning forks in the energy field that surrounds the body have a direct impact on brainwaves.
“A fundamental principle of sound healing is that physical, emotional, and mental symptoms are being generated by an underlying energy field. Thus if we change the energy field, then the physical, emotional and mental behavior patterns will also change.” ~ John Beaulieu
Tuning forks are used alone or integrated into other healing sessions. A few specific ways they can be used are listed below. Note, this is not a complete list. Sessions are tailored to address your specific needs.
– Lymph drainage
– Vagus nerve
– Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System
– Element Activation
– Pythagorean Tuning
– Balancing Chakra’s
– Peripheral Nerve Session
– Cranial Suture Session